Sunday, April 22, 2012

Whooping Crane Fact File Exposes You To The Life Of These American Birds

Whooping cranes
Whooping cranes, scientifically known as Grus Americana is the tallest crane species. Marshes, wetlands and prairies are the areas which these birds inhabit. With the start of winter they shift their base to more freshwater ponds, grasslands and salt tidal marshes. During the time of breeding their dwelling place changes to shallow ponds, creeks, shrubs and wood terrain. Whooping cranes have amazing adaptations, which change as per their breeding and nesting seasons. The whooping crane is identified as one of the wild birds of North America that has striking white color feathers and a red crown.

The North American whooping cranes, before human intervention were many in number, however, as humans began deforestation and occupying green fields for development, whooping cranes lost their habitat and were forced to the brink of extinction. As the number of these cranes came to be noticed, conservationists began their mission to save the whooping crane species and since then have realized a gradual increase in their number. The whooping crane fact file in this article will expose you to the story of their downfall and rise and even reveal some more interesting information on these species of birds.

All About Whooping Cranes
  1. Whooping cranes are native to North America. Muskeg is their nesting place and during the breeding season, these cranes shift to the Gulf of Texas and Sunset lake in Portland.
  2. Whooping cranes appear white and have a reddish crown and a dark-colored bill. The end of the outer wings is blackish. The red color on the head, fades towards the cheek and spreads slightly on the bill. The red crown is nothing but featherless skin.
  3. Whooping cranes are 5 feet tall and have a wingspan of 7.5 feet. The males weigh around 7 kg while females weigh around 6 kg.
  4. These birds are omnivores and indulge in eating crustaceans, fish, mollusks, tiny reptiles, berries and aquatic plants. Whooping cranes love to feed on frogs, rodents, fish, crayfish, snails and even small birds. They also feed on corn, barley and wheat grain.
  5. Some usual brood predators includes the Wolverine, American black bear, Bald Eagle, Red Fox and the Common Raven. Adult whooping cranes feel less threatened by their predators as they are likely to be attacked only by Bobcats. Sometimes these cranes fall prey to illegal hunting.
  6. The whooping cranes have a loud shrill call and exhibit certain movements to attract mates.
  7. The process of courtship is an interesting sight to watch. The cranes flap wings and dance to attract mates and maintain a strong bond since then. After mating the female whooping crane lays 1-3 eggs and both the male as well as the female incubate and then go on to nurture their young ones.
  8. Out of the 3 baby cranes it is likely that only one may survive. The young one will stay with its parents for a year and separate once the family migrates back to their winter grounds.
  9. Whooping cranes can glide into the air without flapping their wings for a long time too.
  10. They have a lifespan of 20-25 years.
  11. During the year 1941, the count of the whooping crane went down to 15 which was a big indication of their extinction. Today the number has increased and many organizations are still working towards saving the birds from extinction. The flock of birds in captivity were transferred to Florida but they never could migrate from there, while the species could not survive in Idaho. Later, Whooping crane chicks were thought to migrate with the help of ultralight aircraft. This technique increased their survival chances and the population of these cranes steadily increased.
  12. Whooping cranes can fly for 10 hours covering up to 750 kms.
  13. While making the long whooping sound the crane coils about 23 cm of trachea into its sternum. This allows it to make variations in its sounds too.
Though measures are taken to save Whooping cranes they are still rated as endangered species. In spite of all the efforts, today there are only 400 cranes recorded alive. Birds form an important part of the eco-system and must be saved from extinction.

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