Monday, December 5, 2011

The Phoenix Is A Mythical Bird

The Phoenix is a mythical bird dating back to ancient civilizations and is a part of legends and lore. According to mythology it is a mystical creature which has an astoundingly long life span ranging to around a thousand years. It is believed to be a bird with colourful feathers and tail in gold and scarlet. It does not get sick or afflicted by disease at any time during its life span. At the end of the life span it is believed to create a pyre of twigs and ignites itself. It then burns to ashes and then again rises from the ashes to live another thousand years and thus reborn. A collection of the fascinating information of the unique bird Phoenix and its efforts for survival and growth makes you curious to know everything about its existence. All information that is related to the rising of this bird, mythology of this bird is the part of Phoenix artwork. We can view various pictures, images and drawings of the legendary bird.

There are various complementary names of birds, which is the effect of the legendary status of this Phoenix bird. Therefore, in Phoenix artwork we can see the pictures, drawings of various birds of various regions like China, Japanese, Russia, Egypt and many more. These names are the counterpart name of Phoenix is treated as a idealize image for all the complementary birds. Though their names are different, the matching part is the legendary name Phoenix. Therefore, in Phoenix artwork, we can view the different features and some surprising information about the bird Phoenix and its several animated and digital images. The term "rising like a Phoenix from the Ashes" is often used in sports when a team or an individual on the verge of losing a game or match virtually comes back from the brink of certain defeat to win in the end. This triumph against all odds has caused the Phoenix bird to be made the mascot or symbol of many organizations and there are even several firms named after it.

The symbol of the phoenix appears quite early in Chinese culture. More than 7, 000 years ago, images were found on Chinese ceramic objects depicting a giant bird with a well – proportioned body, and a long neck and tail. These birds were probably worshipped as a totem symbol. Another account of phoenix story states that before the bird is swallowed by the flame it lays an egg from which hatches and a new phoenix which will live a thousand years and then the same process is repeated, thereby its lineage continues. Though there is no way of ascertaining the truth of either version, both express the same theme, triumph over extreme adversity. In fact, there are male and female phoenixes. In the theory of wu xing or the five elements, and in the art of fengshui, two phoenixes were shown facing each other to represent to southern direction. Later, the two birds were combined to symbolize most on earth. The bird was seen sacred, flying in dance of the universe towards harmony, creation and reproduction. If this theory is correct, the phoenix was already a totem symbol of the ancient Viet people.

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